Dr. Sangmo Yangri este o savanta, profesoara, practicanta Bon, traducatoare si prima femeie tibetana care a primit un doctorat in studiile tibetane Bon.
S-a nascut in Solan, India, in 1980, aproape de manastirea Menri. Ea a fost cufundata in traditia si cultura Bon inca din copilarie, deoarece tatal ei a fost un practicant Dzogchen si un prieten apropiat si discipol al Sfintiei Sale Menri Trinzin Lungtok Tenpa Nyima Rinpoche si al Eminentei Sale Lopon Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche.
Ea are o experienta puternica a practicii Ngondro, Magyud Phowa 49 de zile (de doua ori), Phowa Jagurma, A-tri phowa, Tummo practica timp de 49 de zile (de doua ori) practica sase lokas timp de 49 de zile (de doua ori), practica A-Ted, practica Tregchod, practica Thogal de mai multe ori. Ea a primit mai multe imputerniciri pretioase si transmitere orala a Dzogchen si Tantra de la Sfintia Sa Menri Trizin Rinpoche al 33-lea si Eminenta Sa Yogzin Rnpoche si Eminenta Sa Menri Trinly Nyima Rinpoche si de la multi maestri Bon stimati.
Si-a primit Masterul in Filosofia Bon filosofie in 2007 la Universitatea Centrala de Studii Tibetane (CUTS) din Varanasi, India. Teza ei a fost despre cele douasprezece origini interdependente din traditia Bon. Apoi a absolvit un Master in filosofie, in filosofia budista, scriindu-si teza de M.Phil despre descendenta hirotoniei Bhikshuni in traditia Bon. La CUTS (Universitatea Centrala de Studii Tibetane) sunt reprezentate cele cinci scoli tibetane; cu toate acestea, alte patru scoli aveau doctoranzi, dar nimeni in afara de Dr. Yangri nu a facut studii atat de aprofundate in traditia Bon.
S-a nascut in Solan, India, in 1980, aproape de manastirea Menri. Ea a fost cufundata in traditia si cultura Bon inca din copilarie, deoarece tatal ei a fost un practicant Dzogchen si un prieten apropiat si discipol al Sfintiei Sale Menri Trinzin Lungtok Tenpa Nyima Rinpoche si al Eminentei Sale Lopon Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche.
Ea are o experienta puternica a practicii Ngondro, Magyud Phowa 49 de zile (de doua ori), Phowa Jagurma, A-tri phowa, Tummo practica timp de 49 de zile (de doua ori) practica sase lokas timp de 49 de zile (de doua ori), practica A-Ted, practica Tregchod, practica Thogal de mai multe ori. Ea a primit mai multe imputerniciri pretioase si transmitere orala a Dzogchen si Tantra de la Sfintia Sa Menri Trizin Rinpoche al 33-lea si Eminenta Sa Yogzin Rnpoche si Eminenta Sa Menri Trinly Nyima Rinpoche si de la multi maestri Bon stimati.
Si-a primit Masterul in Filosofia Bon filosofie in 2007 la Universitatea Centrala de Studii Tibetane (CUTS) din Varanasi, India. Teza ei a fost despre cele douasprezece origini interdependente din traditia Bon. Apoi a absolvit un Master in filosofie, in filosofia budista, scriindu-si teza de M.Phil despre descendenta hirotoniei Bhikshuni in traditia Bon. La CUTS (Universitatea Centrala de Studii Tibetane) sunt reprezentate cele cinci scoli tibetane; cu toate acestea, alte patru scoli aveau doctoranzi, dar nimeni in afara de Dr. Yangri nu a facut studii atat de aprofundate in traditia Bon.
Ea a simtit ca ar servi la pastrarea traditiei Bon si ar inspira alti studenti, in special studentele, daca ar face un doctorat in traditia Bon. Si-a terminat doctoratul in traditiile Bon si budiste in 2013, cu o teza de doctorat care se ocupa cu analiza expunerii traditionale a modului in care lumea a aparut in conformitate cu traditia Bon si budism.
Ea a primit Fondul Memorial Jawaharlal Nehru timp de doi ani si in 2013 munca ei a primit Premiul dat de Prim-ministrului (Sikyong) de catre Guvernul Tibetan al Exilului din India.
Ea a scris si publicat mai multe articole si a fost invitata de mai multe ori ca vorbitor la Seminarul despre traditia Yungdrung Bon de la Manastirea Menri si a participat la mai multe conferinte internationale despre Bon si budism. Ea a fost intervievata la Vocea Stirilor Tibetane din America pentru realizarile ei. Ea a editat un comentariu al marelui savant Palden Tsultrim asupra celor trei ornamente ale poeziei si, in 2019, a tradus si publicat Evadarea din Ȋntuneric – Calatoria spirituala a fiicei lui Buddha, Shenza Nechung. A doua ei carte „Lampa lui U Za Rinchen Sal, luminarea viziunii iluzorie a celor sase loka, viziunea pura a Sugatas” urmeaza sa fie publicata. Pe parcursul anului 2014 a predat pe baza de voluntariat la manastirea de maici Ratna Menling din Dolanji, oferind indrumare tuturor calugaritelor studente de filozofie Bon si pregatind noi materiale de studiu pentru ele. In 2015, a fost numita profesoara la Institutul Lishu de catre Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche si a sustinut prelegeri despre Cele noua cai ale Bon, hagiografia lui Buddha Tonpa Sherab Miwo si despre limba tibetana. Ea preda la nivel international.
Dr. Sangmo Yangri is a scholar, teacher, female Bon practitioner, translator and the first Tibetan woman to receive a Ph.D. in Tibetan Bon studies.
She was born in Solan, India in 1980, close to Menri monastery. She has been immersed in the Bon tradition and culture from early childhood as her father was a Dzogchen practitioner and a close friend and disciple of His Holiness Menri Trinzin Lungtok Tenpa Nyima Rinpoche and His Eminence Lopon Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche. She has a strong experience of doing Ngondro practice, Magyud Phowa 49 days (twice), Phowa Jagurma, A-tri phowa, Tummo practice for 49 days (twice) six lokas practice for 49 days (twice), A-Ted practice, Tregchod practice, Thogal practice for several times. She received several precious empowerments and oral transmission od Dzogchen and Tantra from the 33rd His Holiness Menri Trizin Rinpoche and His eminence Yogzin Rnpoche and His eminence Menri Trinly Nyima Rinpoche and from many several esteemed Bon masters.
She received her Master of Philosophy Bon philosophy in 2007 at the Central University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS) in Varanasi, India. Her thesis was on the twelve interdependent originations in the Bon tradition. She then completed a Master of Philosophy in Buddhist philosophy, writing her M.Phil thesis on The lineage of Bhikshuni ordination in Bon tradition. At CUTS (Central university of Tibetan studies) the five Tibetan schools are represented; however, the other four schools had Ph.D. students, whereas nobody besides Dr. Yangri did such in-depth studies in the Bon tradition. She felt it would serve the preservation of the Bon tradition and inspire other students, especially female students, if she were to do a Ph.D. in the Bon tradition. She completed her Ph.D. in Bon and Buddhist traditions in 2013, with a Ph.D. thesis dealing with the Analysis of the traditional exposition of the way in which the world came into existence according to Bon tradition and Buddhism.
She received the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund for two years and in 2013 her work was given the Prime Minister (Sikyong) Award by the Tibetan Exile Government in India. She has written and published several articles and has been invited several times as a speaker at the Seminar on Yungdrung Bon tradition at Menri Monastery, and has participated in several international conferences about Bon and Buddhism. She was interviewed on Voice of America's Tibetan News for her achievements. She edited the great scholar Palden Tsultrim's A commentary on the Three Ornaments of Poetry and in 2019 translated and published Escape from Darkness –The Spiritual Journey of Buddha's daughter Shenza Nechung. Her second book “the lamp of U Za Rinchen Sal, illuminating the illusory vision of the six lokas, pure vision of the Sugatas” is doob to be published.
During 2014 she taught on a voluntary basis at the Ratna Menling nunnery in Dolanji giving guidance to all the Bon philosophy nun students and preparing new study materials for them. In 2015, she was appointed as a teacher at the Lishu Institute by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and has given lectures on the Nine Ways of Bon, the hagiography of Buddha Tonpa Sherab Miwo and on the Tibetan language. She teaches internationally.
Ea a primit Fondul Memorial Jawaharlal Nehru timp de doi ani si in 2013 munca ei a primit Premiul dat de Prim-ministrului (Sikyong) de catre Guvernul Tibetan al Exilului din India.
Ea a scris si publicat mai multe articole si a fost invitata de mai multe ori ca vorbitor la Seminarul despre traditia Yungdrung Bon de la Manastirea Menri si a participat la mai multe conferinte internationale despre Bon si budism. Ea a fost intervievata la Vocea Stirilor Tibetane din America pentru realizarile ei. Ea a editat un comentariu al marelui savant Palden Tsultrim asupra celor trei ornamente ale poeziei si, in 2019, a tradus si publicat Evadarea din Ȋntuneric – Calatoria spirituala a fiicei lui Buddha, Shenza Nechung. A doua ei carte „Lampa lui U Za Rinchen Sal, luminarea viziunii iluzorie a celor sase loka, viziunea pura a Sugatas” urmeaza sa fie publicata. Pe parcursul anului 2014 a predat pe baza de voluntariat la manastirea de maici Ratna Menling din Dolanji, oferind indrumare tuturor calugaritelor studente de filozofie Bon si pregatind noi materiale de studiu pentru ele. In 2015, a fost numita profesoara la Institutul Lishu de catre Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche si a sustinut prelegeri despre Cele noua cai ale Bon, hagiografia lui Buddha Tonpa Sherab Miwo si despre limba tibetana. Ea preda la nivel international.
Dr. Sangmo Yangri is a scholar, teacher, female Bon practitioner, translator and the first Tibetan woman to receive a Ph.D. in Tibetan Bon studies.
She was born in Solan, India in 1980, close to Menri monastery. She has been immersed in the Bon tradition and culture from early childhood as her father was a Dzogchen practitioner and a close friend and disciple of His Holiness Menri Trinzin Lungtok Tenpa Nyima Rinpoche and His Eminence Lopon Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche. She has a strong experience of doing Ngondro practice, Magyud Phowa 49 days (twice), Phowa Jagurma, A-tri phowa, Tummo practice for 49 days (twice) six lokas practice for 49 days (twice), A-Ted practice, Tregchod practice, Thogal practice for several times. She received several precious empowerments and oral transmission od Dzogchen and Tantra from the 33rd His Holiness Menri Trizin Rinpoche and His eminence Yogzin Rnpoche and His eminence Menri Trinly Nyima Rinpoche and from many several esteemed Bon masters.
She received her Master of Philosophy Bon philosophy in 2007 at the Central University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS) in Varanasi, India. Her thesis was on the twelve interdependent originations in the Bon tradition. She then completed a Master of Philosophy in Buddhist philosophy, writing her M.Phil thesis on The lineage of Bhikshuni ordination in Bon tradition. At CUTS (Central university of Tibetan studies) the five Tibetan schools are represented; however, the other four schools had Ph.D. students, whereas nobody besides Dr. Yangri did such in-depth studies in the Bon tradition. She felt it would serve the preservation of the Bon tradition and inspire other students, especially female students, if she were to do a Ph.D. in the Bon tradition. She completed her Ph.D. in Bon and Buddhist traditions in 2013, with a Ph.D. thesis dealing with the Analysis of the traditional exposition of the way in which the world came into existence according to Bon tradition and Buddhism.
She received the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund for two years and in 2013 her work was given the Prime Minister (Sikyong) Award by the Tibetan Exile Government in India. She has written and published several articles and has been invited several times as a speaker at the Seminar on Yungdrung Bon tradition at Menri Monastery, and has participated in several international conferences about Bon and Buddhism. She was interviewed on Voice of America's Tibetan News for her achievements. She edited the great scholar Palden Tsultrim's A commentary on the Three Ornaments of Poetry and in 2019 translated and published Escape from Darkness –The Spiritual Journey of Buddha's daughter Shenza Nechung. Her second book “the lamp of U Za Rinchen Sal, illuminating the illusory vision of the six lokas, pure vision of the Sugatas” is doob to be published.
During 2014 she taught on a voluntary basis at the Ratna Menling nunnery in Dolanji giving guidance to all the Bon philosophy nun students and preparing new study materials for them. In 2015, she was appointed as a teacher at the Lishu Institute by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and has given lectures on the Nine Ways of Bon, the hagiography of Buddha Tonpa Sherab Miwo and on the Tibetan language. She teaches internationally.